Ofsted Report

Inspection of Adventures Day Nursery

1 Spearpoint Gardens, Ilford IG2 7SX
Inspection date: 2 August 2023
Overall effectiveness Outstanding
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff have very high expectations for children’s learning and development in this friendly and supportive nursery. Children of all ages have access to a well-planned curriculum, which is based on what children know and what they need to learn next. Staff know their key children very well. Staff understand children’s starting points in learning and can therefore plan accordingly.

Staff take children’s thoughts and feelings into account at all times. They show respect and are polite in their interactions with children, who in turn demonstrate the same to their friends. Children are extremely well behaved and play cooperatively alongside each other. Older children manage minor disagreements easily and with confidence. Staff teach children how to stay safe and how to minimise accidents, but still encourage children to take measured risks in play.

Children are happy, well settled and curious in the learning environment. They have strong relationships with their key person and with their friends. Babies giggle in delight while reading familiar stories and singing songs. Older children set up activities alongside staff, offering their opinions on the resources that they want access to. Children are actively engaged in the curriculum. They concentrate very well in all aspects of learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

  • The leadership team is inspirational in providing an enabling environment for staff. Staff have access to individualized training that supports their professional development and challenges their thinking. Leaders provide effective support for staff to reflect on children’s learning. During one-to-one sessions, leaders prioritise staff’s well-being to ensure that staff remain focused on children making progress in their learning everyday.

  • Staff provide children with rich, exciting and interesting opportunities. For example, children use citrus fruit, fruit teabags and china cups, saucers and tea pots to make tea infusions. Children excitedly lead the session as they discover different tastes and ask curious questions about how the fruit gets from the tree to the shop. During these sessions, children develop a number of skills, including fine motor skills, extending their vocabulary, sharing and turn taking.

  • Leaders work alongside staff to mentor and role model effective teaching. Staff appreciate the opportunities to observe different styles of teaching and are encouraged to develop their own. Staff acknowledge the support that leaders offer them.

  • Children’s speech and language are very well developed across every age group. Staff promote imaginative storytelling that children spontaneously join in with. For example, they develop fun stories over a few days about animals that visit Inspection report: Adventures Day Nursery 2 August 2023 2 the nursery and the adventures they have. Children actively revisit the stories and can recall them with great joy. At these times, children add to their already extensive vocabularies and use their memories to store and recall stories. Younger children snuggle up with staff as they look at familiar books and photos.

  • Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make excellent progress from their initial starting points in development. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) provides very good support to ensure that these children receive all the necessary assistance. For example, the SENCo meets regularly with staff to ensure that targets set for children are focused and ambitious.

  • Children have access to a rich outdoor play environment that they risk assess. Staff teach children how to play safely and how to minimise accidents. Children enjoy balancing on beams, running and climbing. Staff champion children’s physical development across all age groups.

  • All children have very well developed self-help skills. Young children confidently feed themselves and older children expertly wipe their own nose and face using mirrors placed beside tissue boxes. This confidence helps to build children’s self esteem and their personal social and emotional development.

  • Parents feel strongly that children’s learning has been accelerated by the efforts of the whole staff team. They offer many examples of how the nursery has helped and supported children in their learning needs. Parents strongly recommend the nursery to other families in the community and some families continue to attend even once they have moved out of the area. Parents comment on the strong leadership and management of the nursery and the confidence that this gives them in leaving children in their care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff have in-depth and confident knowledge about how to keep children safe. They are well trained and know the signs of symptoms of abuse that might indicate that children are at risk. Staff know where to access contact information for safeguarding agencies if they need to make a referral or seek advice. There are vigorous recruitment policies in place to ensure that staff are recruited safely. The leadership team undertakes regular checks to ensure staff’s continued suitability to work with children. Staff are aware of community safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation and gun and knife crime, and how they can best support children and families that may be affected.

Setting details

Unique reference number EY471251
Local authority Redbridge
Inspection number 10301269
Type of provision Childcare on non-domestic premises
Registers Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register, Voluntary Childcare Register
Day care type Full day care
Age range of children at time of inspection 1 to 4
Total number of places 42
Number of children on roll 59
Name of registered person Adventures Day Nursery Ltd
Registered person unique reference number RP911574
Telephone number 02085998644
Date of previous inspection 31 January 2018

Information about this early years setting

Adventures Day Nursery registered in 2014. It provides care Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm, throughout most of the year. The provider employs 15 members of staff to work with children. All members of staff hold appropriate early years qualifications. One member of staff has a level 6 qualification, and the remaining staff members are qualified at level 4, level 3 and level 2. The nursery receives funding to provide early education for children aged two, three and four years.

Information about this inspection

Laura Coletti

  • This was the first routine inspection the nursery received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The inspector discussed the impact of the pandemic with the provider and has taken that into account in their evaluation of the setting.
  • The deputy manager, director and inspector completed a learning walk together of all areas of the nursery and discussed the early years curriculum.
  • Children spoke to the inspector during the inspection.
  • The inspector talked to staff at appropriate times during the inspection and took account of their views.
  • The inspector spoke with the registered individual and the deputy manager about the leadership and management of the nursery.
  • The SENCo spoke to the inspector about how they support children with SEND.
  • The inspector observed the quality of education being provided, indoors and outdoors, and assessed the impact on children’s learning.
  • The inspector carried out joint observations of group activities with the deputy manager.
  • Parents shared their views of the nursery with the inspector
  • The manager showed the inspector documentation to demonstrate the suitability of staff.

We carried out this inspection under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 on the quality and standards of provision that is registered on the Early Years Register. The registered person must ensure that this provision complies with the statutory framework for children’s learning, development and care, known as the early years foundation stage.

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The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates and inspects to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages. It regulates and inspects childcare and children’s social care, and inspects the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass), schools, colleges, initial teacher training, further education and skills, adult and community learning, and education and training in prisons and other secure establishments. It assesses council children’s services, and inspects services for looked after children, safeguarding and child protection.

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